Dr. Cody Burton, D.C. is a Texas native and is happy to have the opportunity to practice in the Columbus and La Grange areas. Dr. Burton obtained his bachelor’s degree in Human Biology and his doctorate in Chiropractic from Texas Chiropractic College in Pasadena, Texas. He is licensed by the Texas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners and holds a Certificate of Attainment to practice acupuncture from the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
Burton Health & Wellness
About Us
Dr. Burton is an advocate for healthy living and natural healing whenever possible. He enjoys being part of patients’ positive results and helping them back into wellness and favorite pastimes. Dr. Burton spends time with each patient getting to know the symptoms and causes of their discomfort so that the best tailored treatment for them can be implemented. He also takes time to explain both the “how” and “why” regarding his suggestions for treatment.
Treatment may include, but is not limited to: chiropractic adjustment, targeted muscle work and strengthening exercises and/or acupuncture or nutrition suggestions.
Visit their office and get started with wellness!