Ready-Mix ConcreteBuilding SupplyConcreteContractors
Class Concrete is located at 949 FM 3013 West
Class Concrete LLC
About Us
in Eagle Lake, Texas. Owned and operated by Jimmie L. Class and his wife Barbara. We are a family owned and operated business. Jimmie started out as a contractor pouring concrete foundations, driveways, patios and more. He
has been pouring concrete for the past 45 years and still continues to do so. In order to give our customers the best competitive price we
needed our own ready mix plant. That is how Class Concrete came to be in January of 1999. Sharing the same office building and surrounding outside area with Jimmie L. Class Construction, we are able to offer many products at a reduced price through both companies. Along with the normal things you would see at a ready mix plant, such as concrete, gravel, fill dirt, etc., there is also concrete statuary sold through Class Concrete. We service an approximate radius of 50 miles from Eagle Lake. Our son, Rusty Class, dispatches trucks and takes care of day-to-day operations.
On the same site many products are manufactured and sold through Jimmie L. Class Construction such as water and feed troughs, cattle guards and beams, curb stops, concrete duck blinds, and pre-cast septic tanks.
Now this is how our son Jason Class and daughter Kristie Class came to be septic system installers. They are fully licensed to take care of your septic
system needs through Class Materials.
Jimmie decided to open another ready mix plant in Industry, Texas in July of 2004 called Class Ready Mix. Our son Jason is a partner and dispatches trucks along with taking care of day-to-day operations. Our daughter
Kristie is the office manager.
Each company is a separate entity, though they are very closely related to each other. If we can’t help you, we can certainly find someone who can.
Stop by and visit sometime.