Nonprofit Organization Hours: Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month (except July) at 11:30 @ Glidden Baptist Church
Columbus Christian Women’s Organization (CCWO) was organized in 1999 when eight ladies met at St. John Episcopal Church. Martha Hastedt was elected the first president in 2000. Robyn Adams is the current president. In December of 2007, CCWO received their 501(c) 3 status as a charitable organization.
Columbus Christian Women's Organization
About Us
In answering their mission goal of being “committed to promoting Christian life in its communities through the combined talents and efforts of its members” and with special emphasis directed to children, the organization has continued to grow to a membership of 147 members. The organization continues its efforts by staging a fundraiser every other year entitled “Trees of Light”. Monies raised support individuals and/or charities such as Boys and Girls Club, Habitat for Humanity, Deputy Santa, Elementary School Clothes Closet, National Day of Prayer, Credit for Life, and numerous others.
There are also two projects with continued support – one being the continual mailing of military packages since 2007 to those serving our country in the war zone, and the other being the placing of door decorations at the local care facilities four times a year. These decorations are made by the individual members.
Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month (except July) beginning at 10:30 am at the Glidden Baptist Church. A light lunch is served and hosted by one of the local churches each month. Anyone is welcome to join Columbus Christian Women’s Organization simply by coming to a meeting. And remember that donations are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.