ChurchesNonprofit Organization Hours: Weekday Masses: M, W, F - 5:30pm and T, Th - 7:30am
Father Victor Gury stationed at Frelsburg was the first to minister to the people of Columbus around 1854. The first church structure was built in 1872 on land donated by the Tait family and named in honor of St. Matthias. Parish records indicate that father M. Orth arrived in the early 1870's. At this early date a school was established and conducted by the Sisters of Providence.
St. Anthony Catholic Church
Sat Vigil - 6pm
Sun - 8am, 10am, noon (Spanish)About Us
From 1880-1906 the parish was served by priests from Weimar, St. Roch, and even as far away as Seguin. From 1906-1929 several priests were in residence at the parish.
In 1929, a disastrous fire in the church caused it to be unusable. Mass was held in the old Baptist church on Washington St. The new church was blessed on May 6. 1930. As a condition of a donation by the Catholic Church Extension Society, it was renamed in honor of St. Anthony. From 1930-1945 there was not a resident priest and the needs of the Catholic community were met by adjoining communities.
In 1945 Father V.J. Bily became the first resident priest of St. Anthony's. A new rectory was built in 1948 and Father Alex Kraus became it's first resident. Plans for St. Anthony Cemetery were finalized and the first burials were in 1950. In 1958, the present church building being inadequate for the needs of the congregation, a building committee was formed. The Dedication and Blessing were held on May 6, 1961.
No history of the church would be complete without recognizing the people of the parish who often put the needs of the church above their own. Whether serving the parish with labor, fundraising, or evangelization, parish members have always served their community.
You may visit the website for Mass times and other church events and information.